e-Shushrut- Hospital Management Information System

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e-Sushrut C-DAC’s Hospital Management Information System is a major step towards adapting technology to improve healthcare. HMIS incorporates an integrated computerized clinical information system for improved hospital administration and patient health care. It also provides an accurate, electronically stored medical record of the patient. A data warehouse of such records can be utilized for statistical requirements and for research. The real time HMIS streamlines the treatment flow of patients and simultaneously empowering workforce to perform to their peak ability, in an optimized and efficient manner. It is modeled on the unique combination of a ‘patient centric and medical staff centric’ paradigm, thus providing benefits to both the recipients and the providers of healthcare. It ensures dramatic improvement in performance along with reducing the costs. HMIS can be customized for a variety of hospitals such as medium sized clinics, large sized hospital which could be Government hospitals, Super specialty hospital or Purely Private hospitals. Features • Web Based Application • Portable across a variety of platforms • Configurable for Multiple Hospitals • Connects people, process and data in real time across all the hospitals • Customized clinical data according to department and laboratory • Unique Registration ID for patient throughout the State • Cross consultation for patients among different health professionals within the State • Generations of Charts, Graphs, Trends and dashboards • Generation of comprehensive EMR and Patient Profile • Role & Rule Based • Interface with Medical Equipments, Barcode, Biometrics, Digital Tablets etc • Integration with Aadhar and SMS Gateway
Basic Information:
First Version Release Date: 
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Current version Release Date: 
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Application Type: 
Web Application
Owner Email: 