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Xtended Licensing and Laboratory Node ( XLN )

Food and Drugs Control Administration revolves around the SALES & MANUFACTURING aspects related to Food & Drugs including Cosmetics. FDCA head office is located in Gandhinagar with 25 Circle Offices stationed in various district. Some Circle Office handle more than 1 district operations. Each Circle office is headed by an Asst. Commissioner. 4-5 Drug Inspectors/Sr. DI looking into field duties. FDCA is a Sales & Mfg - Licensing issueing authorities to Pharma companies ie manufacturers of drugs , Wholesalers, retailers, stockists, CF agents etc. Its enforcement activities revolves around monitoring of quality of drugs manufactured or coming from other states. Ensure reduction in manufacturing of spurious drugs, ensure stop-use of sub-standard drugs etc. Identically for the Food sector also. FDCA/DCD/DCA is an authority responsible for issuing Licenses to Manufacturers and Sales Licenses to Retailers and Wholesalers of pharma and related Products. Stockists, distributors and C and F agents also fall within the perview. Enforcement is also an important duty of this dept. i.e monitor quality of drugs being manufactured or coming from other states. Hence timely recall of sub-standard , spurious drugs after proper laboratory testing is also a very important function of the dept. Overview of the XLN software & its services :- * Online Applications by stake holders (Retailers & Wholesalers , from their premises ) * e-File Movements of Files from field offices to head offices. * Inspections & Monitoring of Legal Actions alongwith Court cases follow-Ups * Sampling & laboratory Testing* Mass Dissemination of Sub Standard / Spurious Drug Batches to end-users, towards stopping distribution/Recall of batches. * e-Communication e-Query, e-replies, and SMS * Online Licenses * MIS / LAQ / RTI Compilations at various levels.
Basic Information:
Release Date: :

First Release Date :01-Mar-2008
Current Release Date :01-Feb-2012

Application Type: 
Web Application
Application availability::
Application Scope: 
Health & Family welfareHealth
HARISH harish.advani (
Published On:
Updated On:
FDCA, xln, sales, licence
Services Offered
Registration of Firms
Registration of Firms ( Retailers , Wholesalers , Stockists etc)
Online Licenses
e-File Proccessing as per the state specific Work Flow
Movement of e-files from field offices to the Licensing Authorities. Direction towards carrying out Inspections. Raising Queries & sending back e-files, down below. Complainces of the e-Queries by the stake holders or Drugs Inspectors. Final Approvals on the e-files
Renewals/Cancellation/Suspension/Surrender and Stop Sale
Renewals/Cancellation/Suspension/Surrender and Stop Sale of related firms linked to appropriate Licenses.
Day 2 day operations
Software facilitates day 2 day operations at FDCA Field Offices covering Change of Constitution, Addition in the premises, change in Premises / Infra, Duplicate License, Change in Firm Name etc., Resigning a Regd Pharmacist
Maintanence of history for Routine/On fresh INSPECTIONS carried out by Drug Inspectors
Linking of Regd. Pharmacists to Retail Firms and Competent Person for Godowns/Wholesalers
Linking of Regd. Pharmacists to Retail Firms and Competent Person for Godowns/Wholesalers
Defaulting Regd Pharmacists
Identification of defaulting Regd Pharmacists who are stationed in more than one establishment or similarly, retailers operating without any regd Pharmacist.
e-Communication system
Effective e-communication system revolving around e-Queries and e-Replies, SMSing leading to optimized scrutinizing of applications.
Effective monitoring of samples
Effective monitoring of samples drawn from firms by inspectors right upto the declaration of final result by the Drug laboratory
Linking the entire chain of suppliers / distributors / stockists for a manufacturer of a particula
Linking the entire chain of suppliers / distributors / stockists for a manufacturer of a particular sub-standard / spurious drugs.
Legal case initiations
Legal case initiations against defaulting Firms viz : Stp sale, Cancellation ,show cause notices down to strict measures gainst Not-of-Standard Quality samples.
The Sales software cater to the requirements towards compilation of information for the entire stat
The Sales software cater to the requirements towards compilation of information for the entire state related to RTI, LAQ or HOR Questions.
Application Server: 
Web Server: 
Web Server Version: 
Application Server Version: 
SQL Server
DBMS Version: 
Additional Requirements: 
Crystal Report version 13.0 runtime , Ajax Extensions 1.0
Implementation Details:
Implemented by Ministry(s): 
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Total number of implementation: 
Additional Remarks: 
XLN is basically a EVOLVING software having 4 Major Modules namely the Online Licensing, Inspection, LEGAL, NSQ Modules. 5 % customizations need to be done for INTIAL LAUNCH of XLN. In totality ALL the 4 Modules can be customized & Implemented in ANY State with approx 25 to 30% Customization.
Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi (NCT), Goa, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Puducherry (UT), Punjab, West Bengal
Productization Details
Application Developer: 
IPR and Source Owner: 
NIC Delhi