Online Blood Bank, Area wide Blood Bank automation system
Online Blood Bank is an integrated area wide blood bank automation system, which computerizes end to end process of the blood bank and inter connects multiple Blood Banks of an area/state in a single network. This helps the authority to monitor & manage the blood stock position of the entire state and by & large citizen gets the benefits. Integrated area wide Blood Bank automation system refers the acquisition, validation, storage and circulation of various live data and information electronically regarding blood donation and transfusion service. Such system is able to assemble heterogeneous data into legible reports to support decision making from effective donor screening to optimal blood dissemination in the field. Those electronic processes help the public for easy access to the blood availability status of blood banks on finger tip through web, SMS & IVRS facility. It also provides online status of blood group wise availability of blood units in all the licensed blood banks in the state. It includes online tracking and trailing system of the blood and blood products (components of blood) by the state level administrators.